Ground Transportation Quality Management
Increasingly, patients are establishing their right to choose quality health care. If an individual becomes the victim of an unanticipated injury or illness, a medical transport system must be available to provide appropriate care and make the correct decisions on behalf of the patient. It is for this reason that the transport system must maintain a high level of quality medical care. That quality care is accomplished through off-line medical direction, training and education, and monitoring of quality care and services.
While administrative functions are under the authority of the Executive Director or Deputy Executive Director, medical oversight is in the capable hands of a Medical Director, the Co-Medical Director, and the Director of Patient Transport Services who is a registered nurse. The Medical Director and the Co-Medical Director are the physicians who assume ultimate responsibility for the overall quality of care in our transport system. The Medical Director has a committee of fourteen (14) physicians of various specialties who serve on the Physician Advisory Committee. The physicians are involved in developing treatment guidelines and medical policies and procedures for the system.